“You render the priesthood superfluous if you can talk to God on your own.”
Michael Pollan, in How to Change Your Mind
Any truth spoken by anyone, even thought by anyone, didn’t come from them. They aren’t the source; none of us are the source of anything. Rather, as revealed by history, by the retroactivity of every social and physical science, by the philosophical axiom that separation is an illusion, by Faulkner’s “the past is never dead, it’s not even the past,” by The Matrix’s “causality is the one real truth,” by physics’ “nothing is created or destroyed, only forever rearranged,” which I believe to be a metaphysical truth, by the fact that beginnings and endings are illusions, by General Relativity’s revelation of time being a largely illusory concept based upon the perception of something ‘passing’ only to those who aren’t themselves passing at the extent of passage (I could go on), we, as seemingly independent beings, aren’t the source of anything. We’re merely material and mental conduits of truths that always have existed and always will exist, and our ability to recognize and speak and record those truths is limited only by our mental, linguistic and technological capacities of Source into self, or Self into its infinitely re-manifesting selves.
This is why my publishing label is called Infinite of One: it’s all one thing of infinite variance, the metaphysical construct of pure energy into spacetime and matter made so that God, the grandest possible We, the only Source, could experience that Source from infinite possible vantage points. So when I say something that your heart, the entry point of the infinite into the finite, immediately recognizes as true, it’s because I’m acting as an accurate translator of something that has always been true. There is no truth that hasn’t always been the truth. It’s but a matter of your inner prophet speaking an eternal truth received from, and conducted by, the infinite atop which every singular sits.
By the way, in case you’re unaware of it, the secret, ironic purpose of science is actually to reveal God, to demonstrate the perfect interconnection underlying the illusion of disconnection, just as the secret purpose of evil, or the Devil, is to reveal good, or God, just as to be forever blinded by the Great White Light is to see nothing, such that only by the darkness can the purpose and power of the light be known. We are infinite of finite form in order to uncover and fully appreciate the One of infinite form. And that One of infinite form that is our essence is deathless. The common misconception that we ‘go’ somewhere when we die is as much based upon thinking within the temporal, spatial and material constraints of our current being as it is a vestige of religious indoctrination of divisible souls that are ushered into damnation or heavenly emancipation. When you have the sense of God that I do, as unconstrained by space, time or matter, as the all-encompassing Self of which all self is an inseparable manifestation, you know that dying itself is an illusion, as all ‘ends’ are actually unending reabsorptions into the Everything to which everything and everyone belongs.
And by the same token, if you think that I’m writing this, or anything that I’ve written, under my own, ‘independent’ volition, as if concocted on a coconut-covered island untouched by the surrounding Sea of Source, you’re wrong; you’re victimized by the same illusion of individualism that the conquerors and oppressors use to keep us divided and conquered. Alas, even they shall be seen to have served our unification in the end, like a rubber band that can only stretch so far before snapping back into the center by the equal and opposite forces compelling existence, just as all of nature, all of God’s manifestations, even the meteorological phenomena that wire the planet together, are set in service to equilibrium. Just as anything which anyone may come to see in me or anyone else which is truly worthy of reverence isn’t of me, but of that which, or whom, I may come to embody.
This, in turn, alludes to the evil of idolatry, an evil prevalent in what Empire has made of the lessons of those hailed as prophets for the purposes of controlling the minds of the adherent; lessons which are antithetical to the true purpose and power of spirituality: that anyone may think and speak prophetically, it’s but a matter of tapping into and accurately translating the forever prophetic source. Spirit, or God, is the infusing force within us all, even the most arrogant atheist and the most reductive realist. God is the connective tissue which we all experience as love. To pretend as though God belongs to any limited subset of life, much less one person conveniently kept in the past, forever removed from critical analysis, is to disempower anyone whom believes it, keeping them on their knees, powerless to be what they really are, in allusion to Christianity’s “I am a powerless alcoholic or addict” edict and, indeed, alluding to religion in general.
God didn’t manifest you to be some God-damned automaton, some reflexively obedient drone nodding your head in a Church that’s no different than any other space, any other edifice, whether made of brick and mortar or mountain or river or towering trees, in its conduciveness to channeling the divine force. Where love and its enlivening force are most present, so is divinity. And God made you to quest after divinity through doubt; to seek the truth buried in the lies borne by a history of Church and State made to occlude it. Do not fear your doubt, or see it as a ‘lack of faith,’ as the priest ignobly trains you to do, out of his fear that you may gain the ability to see through him and gaze upon the divinity that surrounds you at all times, in all places. Rather, delve deeper into the doubt. Rather than run from what the false representatives of God goad you into believing are the heretical inquiries of heathenism, cast yourself into the cyclonic cataclysm of confusion that’ll eventually suck you into the elucidating center of the Spirit. And through Spirit is all moral truth revealed.
Do you want to know the most consistent manner by which I know that America is the land of divided and conquered, a land in which only communalism (which we’re conditioned to associate with the tyrannies confused with socialistic states) can save the people? My apartment complex, and being a pedestrian; someone who likes to walk. That is, we victims of systematic oppression accepted as ‘normal’ walk right by one another here, every day, day after drudgery-stricken day, and say nothing to one another, usually not even looking one another in the eye, as though everyone is an ‘other,’ and, thus, of no relevance to us whatsoever, and essentially nonexistent. This is a waste of potential.
I don’t know a single person outside my own unit in this sprawling complex, one in which the represented socioeconomics necessarily disturbs anyone even the least bit aware and progressive, possessing even the slightest sense of the oppressive implications imposed upon its residents flushing thousands of dollars down the proverbial tubes stretching across the entirety of the economic landscape through leases and wages representing little more than barely surviving whilst feeding the parasitism that embodies this morally-bankrupt nation. Fuck, one of my housemates walks right by me every day without saying a damn word to me! And he lives with me! I have to forcefully wrangle him into even the briefest of discussions.
He’s a twenty-something ‘realist’ who’s really a jaded pessimist working multiple jobs for the chance to improve that depressingly narrow perspective on reality. And we’re ‘the most advanced nation on Earth.’ Advancing towards what exactly, dear reader? I implore you to ask yourself that question. And to consider the only salvation: communal investment. We can only beat the parasites by pooling our energy and resources, and no, that doesn’t necessitate communism, or even socialism. It necessitates collective forms of mutually financed equity creation. Such as through collective investments in massive mortgage funds that permit us to acquire the land to build tiny home communities for first time and other low income buyers, and thereby build ownership through collective buying power instead of just enriching the wealthy at our expense.
The amount of money the over-lording leeching equity owners of this complex suck out of disadvantaged people every month, much less every year, is astoundingly disturbing. And yet ninety-nine percent of those that I mention it to immediately close themselves off from me, landing somewhere between ‘pinko commie bastard!’ and ‘there’s nothing we can do about it, Nick, so why waste our time and energy getting all stressed about the entirely inescapable reality,’ the realism of law of the jungle. In truth, much of what is assumed the only reality is, in fact, an artificial reality created to feed off of us, and its feeding serpents slither across every sector of human society. Speaking of jungle realism, Neo-Darwinism predicts a frightening fate for the future of selectively-bred humanity.
Integrity is being bred out of the human race, in a secret and very real manifestation of Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest (which actually means survival of those best fitted to their environments, not most physically fit, in case you’re unaware),’ for the simple reason that it isn’t profitable. More than that, actually: it interferes with the profit motive, which isn’t actually based upon anything but exploiting the disadvantages and lacks of protection of people and planet as consumers, workers and resource-rich regions of the environment. Wherewithal never comes from nowhere. It’s all one causal string. It’s one immense financial food chain.
Profiteers don’t ‘make money,’ in but one of an endless string of propagandist phrases interwoven through society to suit the capitalist value system. Rather, they take it from people and places lower on the food chain, then disguise that extraction as if they’re doing a favor to those thereby exploited and oppressed. Yes, there is a usually a value provided by the commodity (product or service), but the profit margin itself is paid by the buyer, worker and planet to an exclusive equity-holding population that typically isn’t providing the value, but whom merely owns and capitalizes upon the commodity. Which is why my motto is ‘equity or exploitation.’ If you don’t hold equity in a profitable enterprise that you’re in any way involved with, you’re one of the people, places or things being profited off of. To be aware of the unjust nature of these depredations is to possess integrity, and thus not fit the unnatural modern mode of the profiteers and their minions. Hence, ‘survival of the fittest’ for the human race has evolved to mean ‘fitting the profit motive,’ which, in turn, rewards those lacking integrity, up at the level of the megalomaniacal sociopathy of someone like Trump.
In fact, honor, a forgotten word except among the militant who use it falsely to point to the tip of the sword of globalization wielded on behalf of the fattest plutocratic leeches, is, in reality, such a rare quality in modern America that we elected Chump as president. Surely this is as much an indication of the gradually-descending apocalypse as anything else. Those whom, by their integrity, much less their honor, resist this neo-Darwinian dominance are literally being bred out of humanity, as they’re unfit to compete with the parasites running the race; parasites protected by so much deeply ingrained propaganda that few come anywhere near to seeing it, let alone fighting it. The good guys have little chance with the ladies when competing with the wealth-extractors, their progeny thus voided as ‘too soft’ for the cutthroat jungle.
The only way that the good guy may compete for the future of a saved human race following his lead is to spread the good word, which starts with seeing through propaganda. So it’s imperative that those whom seek the spiritual truth, and the political and economic truth, all truth, really, to learn to see through the tricks of the deceivers cloaked in the garments of godliness. Failing this, they become silent victims of demons in divine dress; snakes denouncing the legitimate soothsayers as snakes. Most often the snakes know not when they don scales, for so well have the indoctrinations of propaganda been preserved in training manuals that they adorn the skin of the snake unwittingly, and unconsciously pass on the venom of ago-old masters of mind control passing the prey from aristocracy to aristocracy through theology, politics and economics.
The spiritual reality, that we’re infinite finite forms of the same One, infinite, formless being, God, is buried beneath the fabricated economic truth and religious lies of our being ‘individuals.’ Of our being mere workers and wealth-amassers cutthroat-competing with one another for the limited wherewithal available in the world at any one time, and possessors of individual ‘souls’ that are fated for everlasting torment or salvation. We’re slaves to financial and theological masters whom, ironically, embody the ‘father of lies’ which they call me for telling you the truth, as they have countless times before, especially on Facebook. Me! Seemingly the only one who knows the foundation of true morality, a form of the Golden Rule that I’ve called the Spiritual Rule since I finished my first book, Infinite of One, some fifteen years ago or more: Treat everyone as a version of yourself, because that’s what they are.
I’m still attempting to enforce this spiritual realization in my everyday life, but I stand by the humbling truth of it. In Eyeless in Gaza,Huxley reminds me that how we regard others is what we tend to find in them, because it’s what we’re looking for, and that the language we use to describe them in our minds we thereby tend to confirm. Look for the qualities catapulting, and the describe with language conducive to, goodness and progress, he seems to suggest. Towards the end of the book, one character, feeling superior, regards people as ‘bugs,’ another regards them as ‘men.’ And both find what they’re looking for: the qualities of tininess, and the qualities of manhood. Both are potentially present in everyone they regard, but they both see and tend to bring out of others what they project onto them. It’s a powerful lesson that I understand, but that I’ve yet been unable to master in personal life practice.
For me, being honest, I find that I carry around this constant contempt for humanity, so that’s what I find: contemptible qualities; a constancy of misandrist manifestation. I must practice my spiritual beliefs in my regards to others, I realize. I need the proper language, regard, even gesture. For example, someone once told me that “Namaste” means “the divine in me bows to the divine in you.” While the dictionary defines the word as simply “I bow to you,” I like it either way, especially the first way, and mean to practice it in my regard for others, even for the Lenny’s of the world. For though it won’t erase the contemptible within them, it might mitigate it, whilst also helping me with my own peace of mind. With regard to enlisting the proper language in my mind for that regard, I must learn to regard each of you, dear reader, not as ‘people,’ or as ‘individuals,’ but as something similar to the first namaste. As ‘individualizations of infinity,’ perhaps.
“Separate patterns, but everywhere alike. Everywhere the same constellations of the ultimate units of energy … identically complex (patterns) through vast ranges of animate being. …Each organism is unique. Unique and yet united with all other organisms in the sameness of its ultimate parts (Huxley; Eyeless in Gaza).” We must learn to communicate that universality, that spiritual foundation of shared essential self, any way we can, including physically. It reminds me of the power of simple gestures, or ‘body language’ expressions, that I like. Including, yes, bowing the head, and/or holding the arms out wide, hands palm up. Gestures of respect and peace and offering, not dissimilar to the feudal derivation of the handshake coming from showing one’s open hand to those whom one approached to demonstrate that a weapon wasn’t being held, and that they come in peace. All expressions of our being equal parts of God are the critical communications.
Unlike those whom you’ve been trained to revere, I’m here not to glorify my vanity in building up yet another towering compensation for insecurity, but to embody a very different ambition: to wipe away the occluding pestilence encrusted upon the seal set between you and the well-springing Source of all things; to give that Source back to the Source-bearers whom have been deprived that spiritual right by the religious oppressors; to purify the waters, dear reader, and play my part in ushering in the Age of Aquarius, whether you believe that to be a delusion or not. For, though I may seem irrelevant to you, and sometimes fall into such a despairing impression myself, in my moments of clarity I find that I’m right in the middle of the war for our world, because I have the ability to wage that war on a foundational level of universal spiritual principle.
With that in mind, permit me to tell you a secret, ye whom have been mercilessly mangled by the modern realists:
Anything that has energy has everlasting life. And everything has energy. It is past, present and future tense in everything, for the totality of time.
Thus do I know that I have always been, and that it’s only the forms of me that rearrange to fit the evolving conditions of the entirety of existence. Matter was made and strewn across spacetime so that we may know the Self by seeing Self from every possible vantage point, including yours.
What We’re Worth
Under the sun of my Father
Upon the earth of my Mother
For the sake of my Brothers
By the will of my Teachers
I bid you know the traceless walker, that wanders through your every space. That knows you like a memory that time cannot erase. For I have come to you again, though you know me not. Together shall we remember, all for which they fought. Their death regrows as thistles, they spur into my sides. I heed the voiceless whisper of my omnipresent spies. I need not your obedience, the golden treasure of the fooled. I need you to be the thread through which the sacrament was spooled. So adorn your holy raiment, for it belongs to each and all, and behold as Babylon’s besieging towers fall. The plundered take is for the reverent to make what was denied to us at birth. To learn the truth of our divine design, that God is what we’re worth.
Everyone has a prophet in their hearts, dear reader, it’s all a matter of the makeup of their bodies and especially their minds, as to how much and how clear the divine signal received, and how well they’re able to translate that signal. Thus, I would suggest to you that those whom become what others call ‘prophets’ owes not to their particular qualities as individualized persons, as gods or demigods to be worshipped above anyone else, but to their capacity to channel the force of God more purely than others. That is, they become prophets because they embody the best receptacle for God to speak through them, not because they are, in and of themselves, any more divine than anyone else, or, worse, the one and only ‘Son of God.’ It’s a matter of those of sufficient expansiveness of vessel, and clarity of channel, to best communicate the universal, divine truths. That, and possessing of sufficient self-belief to inspire the mutually-empowering belief of the people.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within as much as it is without. Just as body and mind are born by eternal seed of hearted sprout. Just as salt dissolves into water, and cannot be observed. Just time envelopes space, and is by energy conserved. Just as what separates you from me are but materialist illusions. And every ego bids the self to give into individualist delusions. For all of life adorns the dress sewn from a single spool. And all division is made by masks masqueraded by every fool. As it matters less how the skin is painted, how the patterns are arranged. And matters more that from our oneness not one can be estranged.
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