The Age of Parasitism is coming to a close.
May all those that sense it seek their place upon the path leading to a paradigm shift in ‘worth’ and ‘success;’ a shift from unsustainable, parasitic extraction to sustainable, symbiotic addition.
Download the information from the above presentation, also available below:
Return to Nature
Humanity is chronically ill because it has denied its nature to its own constantly accruing detriment. When you really trace the historical, causal roots of this natural denial, you find that nature, both our own nature and nature in general, has been sacrificed mostly to serve the God of greed, and that the service of this God, in mutual-exclusivity with the service of the greater good of humanity and life as a whole, has been built into all the major human systems. Everything that ails humanity can be traced to the fact that unnatural cause creates unnatural effects. And there’s but one cure: return to nature.
Consider the following characteristics of conventional modern life and how they suggest the cures:
- We’re social beings isolated in private property and concerns, often not even knowing our neighbors, much less the rest of the world of beings whose connection we crave and need, whether we’re aware of it or not (i.e. most of us suffer from some degree of social deprivation)
- We live in cities and suburbs granting very little access to nature, its wonders and fulfillments; the natural environments that we evolved to be connected to and fulfilled by (i.e. most of us suffer from some degree of nature deprivation)
- We consume diets filled with unnaturally-derived elements which shouldn’t even qualify as food; fake food which our bodies didn’t naturally evolve to healthfully process, and when we do consume natural foods we’re typically entirely alienated from its growth and production, taking no part in or joy from its cultivation or capture, entirely against our evolved natures; and rather than that food being sustainably cultivated and captured in league with nature, most of it is grown and slaughtered in unnatural ways which we take into our bodies, and in destructive conflict with nature (i.e. most of us suffer from the long-term consumption of unnaturally-derived, nutritionally-scarce food produced in an unsustainable manner destructive to the environment, processes which we’re alienated from)
- We are budget lines to be minimized on our company’s respective balance sheets; tools of ownership paid only as much as is necessary to keep us from revolting, quitting or allowing a competitor on the labor market to take our mostly unfulfilling jobs (i.e. most of us suffer from professional disempowerment, existing as professional servants, forever accruing the psychological and emotional detriment of being denied a true membership in and ownership of our endeavors)
- The deep internal need to contribute to the management of our society and its environments is ignored through political systems that placate us with the pretense of a democracy that’s actually a plutocratic republic, and which effectively excludes us from inclusion (i.e. most of us are sociologically disempowered)
- Our ‘medicine’ is pharmaceutically-crafted chronically-delivered poison that conceals our ills and typically never resolves them, only perpetuating our dependency upon them to immensely-accruing financial and quality of life cost, even as we’re surrounded by thousands of medicinal plants (i.e. most of us suffer from the deprivation of true medicine)
The potential solutions to these fundamental problems sacrificing the greatest value of life are manifold, and are specifically addressed in numerous writings and presentations on this website, but as generally as possible, these solutions entail:
- Better socially-integrated, environmentally-conscious, energetically-efficient use of residential real estate that is made more affordable through collective buying and building power, and which can and likely should include elements of commercial integration owned by the residents of these communities
- More space between these communities, which entails greater incorporation of nature sustainably woven into the fabric of these communities, and of society as a whole
- Community gardens and natural gathering practices connecting people with their food and, ideally, with their medicine as well
- The consumption of much more fresh, organic fruit and vegetable and herbal flavorings and medicines, woven into the same fabric
- People owning some percentage of the bottom line of their organizations, relative to the value that they contribute to said organizations, and thereby effectively made into owner-operating partners in those organizations
- A truer, purified version of democracy that prohibits the wealthy from controlling very limited ‘representatives of the people’ and their policies through myriad means of corruption which should be illegal, but which are endemic to modern politics and its denial of true democracy
If we’re to heal humankind, and the planet with it, we must return to what is natural for the human body, mind and spirit in all that we do; in how we live, in how we cultivate and use resources, in how our endeavors are organized and rewarded and in how we impact the systems that impact us.