Human society is built upon a foundation framed by four cornerstones: (1) theology, or the pursuit of spiritual knowledge, (2) politics, or the science of human governance, (3) economics, or the macro science of human endeavor, and (4) business, or the micro science of human endeavor.
Currently, each of these respective four cornerstones effectively stand to (1) enforce a belief in a false, divided spiritual essence, (2) pretend that the control by the wealthy through parties and financially-beholden representatives is the same as serving the democratic will, (3) deem successful human endeavor as producing wealth regardless of the impact upon the quality of life of those whom endeavor, and (4) structure commercial enterprises to treat most of those who endeavor as tools of a trade considered cost-minimized and best-benefits-excluded liabilities on a balance sheet.
We clearly need to reconstruct our foundation for the sake of everything that matters most, including the overall quality of human existence and the health of the planet upon which it depends.
That starts with re-carving these four cornerstones.
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Re-Carving Our Cultural Cornerstones
Infinite of One Publishing proposes that the best way for Western Culture to proceed into a sustainable, just future is to reconstruct the foundation upon which that future is to be built, with that foundation shifting away from servicing the greed that is unsustainable and mutually exclusive with the majority and planetary best interest to sustainably servicing that best interest, starting by placing the following four stones at the corners of our cultural foundation:
Cornerstone #1: Monoexistential Spirituality
The unifying force of spiritual knowledge is antithetical to the divisions and oppression of religion. We’re all inseparable, finite manifestations of the one infinite being, Spirit, or God, and there can never be a spiritual answer that is in any way not fully inclusive and treating of everything as an equal manifestation of the pure energy of the one being. Any hierarchy, idolatry, specification, absolute separation or any other idea contradicting this truth is invalid and, ultimately, precludes all possibility of common spiritual identity and the highest forms of solidarity and collaboration building towards our greatest collective potential.
Cornerstone #2: True, Representative-Optional Democracy
An online ‘social media’ style democracy in which parties and representatives are optional and unlimited and direct representation is an inviolable right embedded in that system are requisites of true democracy. These requisites are blocked whenever being filtered through parties and exclusive representatives in a system of endemic corruption and legalized bribery precluding true democracy. The US is a plutocratic republic, and the will and best benefits for the people cannot be known without a true democracy.
Cornerstone #3: Quality of Life Economics
A system of economic theory asserting that the pursuit of the highest total quality of life of the people is the only moral purpose of economics, and which crafts its indicators of success accordingly. A systemic analysis of the conventional indicators of economic ‘success’ indicates that such ‘success’ actually fails the majority by confusing the accrual of wealth possessed as being the only goal, without any consideration as to how that wealth is used. Absent quality of life utilization principles, this so-called ‘success’ is mostly indicative of inequality and a poor utilization of all things of value in servicing life. What propagandistically-termed ‘free market’ economics calls success actually equals gross disparities in means, opportunity and connected quality of life that amounts to a moral failure.
Cornerstone #4: Business Collectivism
A form of business in which a merited equity share is rewarded to every contributor to the company relative to contributory value as an inviolable right. Being denied a fair share of the bottom line because you aren’t wealthy enough to buy ownership of a business is the basis of the exclusionary exploitation of capitalism through which all disparities underlying global human suffering are created. Rather than working ‘for’ a company as an ‘employee,’ which is a euphemism for a tool and budget line to be cost-minimized on the corporate balance sheet, everyone contributing to a business collective is now a partner, or ‘owner-operator,’ regardless of their position, and is rewarded a bottom line share in the enterprise to which they contribute relative to their contributory value. Spreading business collectives would go a LONG way toward reinforcing the foundation by naturally leveling-out societal opportunity and means over time.
For more information please see the pages for the respective Cornerstones on this site, and order Infinite of One or Cultural Cornerstones, Re-Carved.