While free PDF versions of most of his books are offered herein, Nick kindly requests that you purchase a print version of one of them in order to support his ongoing literary endeavors.
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A collection of spiritual but not religious passages to put you on the path to knowing the One, such as:
We’re Ones of the One, Written at 1:11
We’re not originators, we’re highly sophisticated receivers and processors. Nothing that we experience, and nothing that we create, are we ourselves the source of. Everything is a unique experiencing of and re-creation of the One thing that always has been and always will be. This form of your self is within creation, destruction and spacetime. The formless Self from which every self springs exists free from creation, destruction and spacetime, and isn’t subject to them. Thus the duality of Self, the Singular Self and Its infinite selves, the immortal, undying part of you that’s everywhere, everything and everyone experiencing Itself as being somewhere, as a definite mortal ‘person’ inhabiting a body in spacetime. By our experience of being is Its Being embodied, and by our mortality is its immortality made invaluable. And only through Its being is matter made to matter. Matter was made of Its eternal energy for the sake of infinite forever evolving ones of the One Being. We are Infinite of One.
Please feel free to read the freely-available PDF, but also please consider buying a physical copy of the book (it’s a handy 4.25″ by 7″ trade paperback) in support of the author. Thanks. May you know your oneness with the One!
You can also support the author through the $3.33 purchase of the PDF of this and his other works through his Patreon Page. Thanks again.
Duncan Mills never thought much about what his dad, a Seattle attorney, did for a living. At least, not until some rather unsettling rumors about that work start circulating, and his high school crush gets involved. Now he’s ensnared in a conspiracy involving some of the most dangerous, clandestine wheelers and dealers in the country. Questioning his own sanity, even the true cause of his mother’s death in Mexico years before is cast into doubt. And it all leads back to The House on Apple Blossom Lane.
Written by a progressive philosopher about his time working in a secure mental health facility in the high desert of Central OR, I Fell in Love in a Mental Institution is part agonizing, ecstatic remembrance of indelible, unrequited love, part insight into, critique of and tale from the world of mental health treatment, part commentary on conservatism, conventional wisdom and cultural conformity, and part spiritual rumination and politically incorrect indignation.
May it disrupt your complacent sense of your own sanity, provoke an examination of the prejudices you enlist in protecting tradition and the politically correct status quo, and show you the world of mental illness in a manner helping to mitigate any of the stigma with which, like most, you may regard those whom find themselves persistently ravaged by its wreckage.
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“A gripping, profound tale of a faraway land and the intermingling of clashing civilizations.”
The prophecies of two ancient bloodlines converge when the Wolf Clan of Aria finds the fabled passage through the North Gate, surviving months traversing the arctic icescape in discovery of the New World, presaged to be the land that shall host their greatest glory. But this world is only new to them, being home to native tribes equally as ancient, manifested of the Mother Spirit whom gave birth to being, Her realm rich in spiritual magic imbued in the lush landscape, protected by primordial forces as old as time itself, formed from the fiery crucible in the heart of the Great Mountain. When the dreams of the son of the invading Arian warlord come alive upon glimpsing the daughter of the Mahwah medicine man, forces long awaiting their union are unleashed upon the land, triggering a war for their future.

Attempting to control what constitutes divinity is the hubristic foolishness of religion. The roads to the truth are always endless, and everyone has a prophet inside of them; it’s all a matter of centering oneself and learning how to listen. This is precisely what makes the ‘spiritual but not religious’ perspective, the fully inclusive viewpoint, superior to the religious perspective, the excluding viewpoint made of attempting to stuff the all-encompassing Spirit and its manifestations into a single box in which it shall not only never fit, but which leads to innumerable ills for humankind, including promoting the propensity for tribal thought and divisiveness.
True spirituality, that which possesses the greatest power to unite all people, seeks no supremacy, listens to no labels, builds no boundaries, identifies with no idolatry, heeds no hierarchies and enforces no exclusions. Those are the man-made corruptions that created the religions by which the powerful have long controlled and oppressed the people as a whole. Ironically, the cure to religion is spirituality.
This compilation represents the desire of the author to share his spirituality through one condensed work. In the process it offers answers to the great moral, spiritual and philosophical quandaries of the ages. The fully-inclusive nature of God, or ‘Spirit,’ and its inseparability from every one of its manifestations is investigated through multiple genres, and theories and principles of the greatest possible value to life, and to the progression of the human race, are explored in detail.
FREE PDF COPY: God Isn’t Religious

The Empress Needs No Clothes is a collection of the favorite poems of philosopher-poet Nick Jameson. Written over a period of nearly two decades, it spans a great spectrum of subjects and inspirations. The anguish of unrequited love, the insights of spirituality free of the erroneous specifications and confines of religion, the war with traditional modes of mass economic exploitation and mental oppression, the love and worship of Spirit through nature, the answering of age-old philosophical and spiritual conundrums and the exploration of subjects whose comprehension offer uniquely elucidating, edifying benefits to the reader are hereby offered.
Buyer beware: this isn’t the typical collection of poems, but the verse of one whose honor, pure spirituality and progressive convictions compel him to go to war with all that which enslaves and erodes humanity, even when that means being misunderstood and condemned by those whom he thereby serves. Complemented by the talented Brazilian artist Lanna Ariel, the “Witch of Paintings,” this book is a sword stained with the author’s blood, forged in the fires of rage and revelation, wielded against, and for, everything that compels him to put the pen to the page.
FREE PDF COPY: The Empress Needs No Clothes

The Tao Te Ching is the greatest guiding treatise for living by divine, natural providence, born of an inherent spiritual wisdom lost by a human race that has buried that wisdom beneath the pretenses of knowledge, power, covetousness and control. Taoism predates all the major religions, and promulgates ideas and principles which those religions pretend to be their own. Indeed, those from later faiths shall here, if reading with open heart and mind, find the roots of their own faith. The Way of the Tao Te Ching is as the sacred seed buried in the soil, forever regenerating the existence trodden upon and taken for granted by a human race that now dishonors nature, believing that it has the right to dominate it.
All the great religions followed in Lao Tzu’s footsteps, tracing a path which The Old Philosopher himself speaks of coming from eons long past; a trail as ancient as humankind itself, which The Old Philosopher knew of himself to be but a traveler of. I have, here, set upon the path myself, being a long-running student of spirituality. As part of my practice I’m enriched by performing ‘active reading exercises’ in order to improve my understanding of my reading, in which I gather the insights and principles of the original text and word them as they make the most sense to me, and hopefully to other readers as well.
I do this not, in this case, as a foolish attempt to ‘one-up’ the master metaphysician, but, again, to expand upon my own understanding, hopefully do a service to modern readers, and as a means to more actively consider and pay homage to his wisdom. I do this also to honor that fact that sacred wisdom is both ineffable and, at the same time, by the same nature, may be limitlessly expressed and reworded, like a glorious white light shining through an infinitely-faceted prism.
FREE PDF COPY: The Transmuted Tao

“A special work of spiritual and philosophical fiction rich in hidden meaning. Not for the average fantasy reader, this one will challenge you, offering buried treasure to those willing and able to dig it up.”
– Jackie Kennedy, FirstLadyReads
Alex is the black sheep in the Barnes Clan, a Christian community concealed in the Blue Ridge mountains near Salem, VA, dedicated to a simple, godly life. He was born an outsider, reads the wrong things, wants to write about non-religious spirituality, thinks, like the pagans, that nature is divine and, worst of all, is too old to be flirting with the young women of the community.
One such woman, Libby, who has eyes for Alex, controls the community through her father, the shepherd of the Barnes Clan flock, Father Andrew. Libby is the most important person in Andrew’s life following the passing of his wife, Natalie, who committed suicide, some say because of Libby. Alex suspects Libby may not just be a master of deception, but also a practitioner of the dark arts, placing Alex in great peril, for not only is he troublesome for the community at large, but he’s fallen in love with Libby’s best friend, Miranda.
Being in love, Alex can’t bring himself to flee from the peril closing in all around him, even as it threatens to crush him. Seeking refuge in the surrounding forest, he uncovers a mystical sanctuary possessing mysterious powers connected to old legends, to a deity called The Forest King, and to a Native American tribe, The Star People, rumored to have once tapped into nature’s power like no people before or since, yet who are now feared to have gone extinct. There, in the magical realm he adopts, filled with strange wonders, Alex begins to cultivate a new community, dividing the village as charges are brought against him for harassing young women and committing the worst act of heresy there is: pretending to be The Messiah.
(Note: In the time since this book was first published it has become less about fantasy fiction and more about the author’s psychological and professional wars with the abuses of political correctness).

Why the title “Heresies of a Heathen?” Because whether you’re considered a member of the club, or you’ve been cast out and stoned with self-righteous condemnations like ‘heathen,’ whether your understanding of God is orthodox and commonly accepted, or you speak of the spiritual in ‘heresies,’ you can never actually be cast out of God’s company, for God’s company is absolutely inclusive. In my own quest to understand the nature of divinity, I’ve learned of God to be the eternal, conscious energy essential to all people, places and things, including spacetime and matter and all forms of life manifested by God’s divine force, regardless of grouping and label.
In truth, we all exist within God, as mortal manifestations of God’s immortal essence, for the purpose of infinite perspectives upon and experiences of existence. We’re all finitely-formed facets of God’s infinite nature, ever adapting in partnership with the material realm to be ceaselessly remade in God’s limitless image, an image unbound by human-centric form. In the truths to which God has led and continues to gently coax me to convey to as many forms as I can muster, I’ve found my own mode of ministry, and I know in my heart that such a ministry needs no official religion or institutional sanction, for it’s the heart itself that truly conveys God’s will.
Please open your heart and mind to the ‘heresies’ of this ‘heathen,’ taking the step of unloading such hateful, deluded labels from your lexicon while embracing the divinity at the very heart of everything. Please remember that no one group may ever monopolize something which everyone belongs to, and whose truths anyone may find, whether considered ‘religious’ or not, and that the open mind tuned into the heart that’s required of any spiritual seeker best positioned to grasp the messages of any spiritual sage stands starkly at odds with all forms of narrowing exclusivity and over-specificity.
FREE PDF COPY: Heresies of a Heathen

“Through every page, each new poem speaks to the readers’ soul as an ancient friend would.”
– Literary Titan
“Philosophically dense and lyrically alluring.”
– Samanth Hui, Independent Book Review
“A reminder of how much more romantic and deep language can be.”
– Carolina Restrepo, Readers’ Favorite
Poetry is powerful because it’s free; free from the forms, constructs and constraints of prose. It permits those that wield it to go anywhere, to explore anything, without the restrictions of other forms of expression.
In this book of poems, the writer uses poetry for manifold purposes, from wrestling with his inner demons, to seeking that elusive angel amongst his muses, to evoking every color of the emotional spectrum, to pulling progressivism from the greed and controls of prevailing culture and politics, to seeking the nature and imparted wisdom at the very source of all truth and being: Spirit, or God.

For those interested in the theoretical ideologies of Infinite of One’s protagonist without the story, this is the final, culminating chapter of Infinite of One (here divided into sections, with some minor fictional elements omitted), during which the protagonist expounds upon his convictions and those societal constructs he believes must stand as humanity’s foundational cornerstones in order for our collective edifice to reach its best-balanced, most mutually-beneficial, greatest-enduring heights:
Cornerstone #1: True, Representative-Optional Democracy
An online ‘social media’ style democracy in which parties and representatives are optional and unlimited and direct representation is an inviolable right. The true requisites and virtues of democracy are blocked when filtered through parties and upper class representatives in a system in which corruption is endemic and buying politicians is legal, and precludes true democracy. We are a plutocratic republic, and the greatest popular benefits cannot be known absent true democracy.
Cornerstone #2: Quality of Life Economics
A system of economic theory which asserts that the pursuit of the highest total quality of life of the people is the only moral purpose of economics, and which crafts its indicators of success accordingly. A deep systemic analysis of the conventional indicators of economic ‘success’ indicates that such ‘success’ is actually a failing of the people as a whole, being the cause of most of the inequality and inseparable suffering delivered upon the populace.
Cornerstone #3: Business Collectivism
A form of business in which a merited equity share is rewarded to every contributor to the company relative to contributory value as an inviolable right. There’s no longer being denied a fair share of the bottom line because you aren’t wealthy enough to buy ownership of a business, the basis of the exclusionary exploitation of capitalism. Also gone: working ‘for’ a company as an ‘employee,’ which is a euphemism for a tool and budget line to be cost-minimized on the corporate balance sheet. As justice dictates all former ‘workers’ are now partners in the company, regardless of their positions, and are rewarded relative to contributory value. The dissemination of Business Collectives would go a LONG way toward reinforcing the other three cornerstones.
Cornerstone #4: Monoexistential Spirituality
The unifying force of spiritual knowledge is anathema to the divisions and oppression of religion. We are all finite manifestations of the one infinite being, inseparable from God, or Spirit.
FREE PDF COPY: Cultural Cornerstones Recarved

To truly know a thing without experiencing it is impossible. And so it is that I know the greatest of things because of you, including the words ‘love,’ ‘adoration,’ ‘endearing’ and ‘indelible,’ and the purpose of existence: to unearth and cultivate the interconnective spiritual tissue that, in its perfectly inseparable totality, defines God.
I’ve written countless pages, contemplating divinity throughout, but it’s the pages impressed by you that hold the greatest force of divinity for me, for they’re the richest in love, that which God most is, the force of all inspiration and creation.
I can’t speak for others, but for me there’s a permanence to falling in love, like it’s locked in and can’t be touched, regardless of the state or even the lack of the relationship between the lover and she whom I so dearly loved, woven through my heart, entirely intermeshed: JESS.
She’s forever on a pedestal; a symbol and sense of subsuming desire.
The poems herein are presented in the order in which they were written, excerpted from three independent projects, in order to give you a sense of the unruliness of the assailed, romantic heart unappeased by the sating of its timeless needs. These poems are a testament to those needs, and an homage to the one person who most made me feel them.

The original. The classic. Completing the first draft in my mid-20’s, this big, beautiful mess has undergone innumerable revisions since, yet remains the same in its heart; in its core ideas and messages. This is where my ideology first found its form, and where what will be a lifelong love affair with spirituality and philosophy first found the page:
Following the minor success of his first book, Time for True Democracy, on the historical nonexistence of authentic democracy, Alex, an embattled young philosopher living near the California Bay Area, seeks emancipation from the conventional western way of life, a life of ceaseless unnaturality, financial duress and corporate servitude undergirded by a consumeristic, class-based culture and a divisive plutocratic political system presenting a democratic façade.
Desperately needing to recover from health ills plaguing him since his early teens, his instinct pulls him toward the rejuvenating solitude of the soaring redwood forests and meandering Noyo River just inland from the rugged Mendocino County, California Coast where he spent his first happy, simple, adventurous years. Alex purchases the land from his father and puts himself on the path towards a purer, natural way of life freed from the mental and economic stresses and constraints of a parasitic world to which he never belonged.
As a larger residence is being built, Alex moves into the studio apartment his father built by hand on the property. There, he immerses himself in a symbiotic, mutually-cultivating relationship with the natural realm while harnessing the reflective silence in following an inborn drive to uncover the root truths feeding into all things. Through a confluence of pure heart and philosophical disposition, he uncovers answers to the most important questions in life.
Correspondence with former friends seeking similar departures from mainstream pursuits and the bourgeois mindset leads to several joining him on the property, gradually coalescing into a small community dedicated to a purer, sustainable lifestyle of social, intellectual and spiritual exploration and enrichment.
FREE PDF COPY: Infinite of One

A progressive philosophical treatise told through a provocative, modernly-relevant, post-apocalyptic tale.
Accelerating climate change pushed the planet into the environmental instability, resource scarcity, perpetual natural disasters and political turmoil precipitating World War Three.
In this world of dissolving governments, disbanding law enforcement and propagandist warfare for the surviving hearts and minds of humankind, those unwilling to surrender their power rely upon their technological advantage to create and propagate the Avant Garde, a nanobot army murdering millions and threatening to end life on Earth.
Out of necessity, most of the world’s survivors have joined communities formed along ideological lines, defending one-another from outsiders whilst continually keeping watch for signs of a virulent, invisible enemy common to all. Fighting through this fractured humanity clinging to the dwindling resources of a dying planet, one group of survivors sets out to eliminate the Avant Garde before it’s too late.
From what remains of once resplendent Silver Falls State Park outside of Salem to the decimation of downtown Portland, philosophical Kato and company encounter a competing assortment of clans with contradicting ideas of salvation, many of whom would rather see them dead than permit them to continue on their quest for the sake of all.
FREE PDF COPY: Avant Garde

A provocative collection of counter-cultural notebook entries to ponder, challenge and inspire. This book is the result of continuous notations made on any and all subjects, ideas and inspirations striking the progressive, counter-cultural author and leading to ruminations of value. While these entries were originally intended to be posted to the infiniteofone.com blog, and while many of them may end up there eventually, they grew so numerous that it was decided that they should constitute their own book. May these collected notebook entries serve as signposts, helping to guide you towards The Way.
(Note: this is a perpetually growing collection paralleled in the author’s Instagram posts, and will eventually be brought together into a larger work)
FREE PDF COPY: From the Roots Up

Written during a time of emotional upheaval, Thin Line Between poetically traces the transparently paper-thin line separating love and hate, suffering and despair, inspiration and insight, wisdom and perspective and instinct and Spirit, ultimately illuminating the illusion of absolute separation.
Falling in love with an exceptional young woman engaged to another, the author’s wrestling with the torment of his unrequited affections compounded by long-standing health ills inspires his maddeningly hop-scotching from one side to the other of the lines ‘separating’ love from hate and suffering from despair. A philosopher-poet at heart, the author traces this line to its intersection with the others, realizing it ultimately intersects with ‘lines’ in general.
These poems are thereby part emotional outlet and part philosophical quest, walking a path set between what is felt, what is thought, what can be known and the imperative of indomitability; of forever fighting for a brighter future, never fully giving into despair and, when necessary, seeking sanctuary in the calm, quiet center of the storm: the love of Spirit evoked by its endless forms.
FREE PDF COPY: Thin Line Between

The great questions and passions of life unraveled and stitched together in poetic verse to form a flag which all may wave as one! Love of Wisdom is one philosopher’s quest to shed light upon the dark corners of conjecture, offering insight on many matters which have long been deliberated and disputed amongst mankind, and which matter most to life as a whole: matters of spirituality and its uniting voice of love shared by all manifestations of the one truest self; matters of injustice on the fronts of religion, politics, commerce, ownership and the consolidation and exclusion underpinning most of the evil in the world; matters of ego, romance, selfishness, desire, suffering and much more.
The hope is that this book may not only entertain you with its rhymes but expand your heart and mind through its exploration of substantive ideas, offering answers to some of the questions which trouble so many and thereby helping the reader shed some of their confusion as well as some of the confining, misleading precepts preserved from the past and employed by contemporary conquerors and exploiters to keep us small and divided and thereby easy to control and take advantage of. May these poems usher you toward the championing of concepts and principles which unite and lift us up toward solidarity of purpose and higher shared potential, each of us playing an indispensable role in fostering the greatest total quality of life for all life as unique versions of the one fundamentally inseparable, eternal source of all things.
FREE PDF COPY: Love of Wisdom