- Replace the modern pretense of democracy with new, true democracy, such as “The Poly Point System of Democratic Governance” as outlined in “Cultural Cornerstones, Recarved”
- Advocate for the creation and spread of “Business Collectives,” which expand ownership and opportunity within the economy so that the benefits that it produces are more widespread
- Create and promote collective investment and development platforms in the “crowdfunding” paradigm that bridge the gap between capitalism and socialism and which, as per the Business Collective (and working in league with the aforementioned), permit expansion of equity holding in the economy – see the example concept “Grassroots Investor” outlined on infiniteofone.com
- Establish the study of “Quality of Life Economics” as a more just alternative to the results produced by the dominance of “Free Market Economics,” which prioritizes profits over people
- Return spirituality to its pure roots, as ‘spiritual but not religious’ study and worship that purges all the disempowering, mind-controlling elements of religion (narrowing and excluding specificities, hierarchies, idolatries, irrationalities, denials of science and philosophy etc.)
- Supplant the use of chemically-manufactured pharmaceutical “medicines” with the study and spread of natural medicines, of which there are thousands, including psilocybin – natural medicines work with the body to offer healing, whereas pharmaceuticals mostly conceal ills – the paradigm must be flipped on its head so that Mother Natural is the first line, and that the products of Big Pharma are the ‘alternative,’ only used in acute cases (most cases are chronic)
- Publicly finance and spread the use of CSA’s (community supported agriculture) within all regions and socioeconomic spheres to address the woeful dietary state of the nation, dramatically increasing access to and consumption of micronutrient dense organic produce, that which, along with popular, evolutionarily-informed exclusionary dietary programs (Paleo, Whole 30, Wahls etc.), champions the “Food is Medicine” movement that will heal most health ills
- Support more governmental protection programs (or even semi-nationalization) for “inelastic goods and services” – those goods and services qualifying as ‘needs’ and/or, at the least, imperatives for quality of life, which shouldn’t be ‘for profit’ because unscrupulous profiteers take advantage of peoples’ needs – examples include healthcare, education and energy
- Legalize, regulate, educate, provide health services for and tax black markets, such as narcotics and prostitution, permitting their use privately and within certain districts, and pour the proceeds into broadly-benefitting social spending programs (such as those mentioned here) – the “War on Drugs” is irrational, ineffective and outdated – stop supporting the criminals!
- Revise the woefully ineffective “criminal justice system” by, as but two obvious examples, removing it as a for-profit business by private institutions, and by backing incentives for inmates and employers which provide a means to escape criminal pressures and curtail recidivism rates
- Trade currently exploitative residential housing practices, especially leases, with lease-to-own contracts building equity for the vast majority, such that the majority flushing their money down the drain of the rich getting richer don’t have their financial circumstances taken advantage of – along with the fact that the vast majority own no equity in their professions, this represents one of the core injustices contributing to ever broadening global disparity of wealth and opportunity
- Create more means for communal connection to combat the divided-and-conquered, perfectly polarized, walled-off ‘individualism’ that the monied class maintains to oppress and control us
- Encourage living, working in and exploring nature as a treatment for stress and mental illness