Just because existence is a trick of light doesn’t mean that it isn’t real.
Existence was made when the Universal Consciousness, what has been called every name there is, from God, to Spirit, to Cosmic Mind to Godhead to Big Self to Jehovah and on, decided to know itself. How might I see myself?, asked The One. How might I study and come to know what I am? How might I pass my sight around myself and see all there is to see? So The One contemplated deeply, and from this contemplation upon the first desire, to know oneself, was born Love, the sense of knowing on the deepest levels lying beneath the realm of form. And from this Love was born the desire to contain love, and thus the need of vesseldom, and so the first fractal of the One was formed, a perfect crystal chalice, The Grail. As the second existence, The Grail, the co-creator, vessel and host of every- thing, including what would someday become all physical and biological existence, is The Great Mother: The Divine Feminine: that which focuses and gives form to the pure energy of creative consciousness of God, Incarnatus Est.
Passing the pure white light of Sight through The Grail so as to refract and wrap Sight around itself, the Act of Creation formed the first refractions; the first bending of the light of pure conscious energy. These were the first facets of Self. It is from the act of passing consciousness through a fractal and fracturing it that the building blocks of all creation are made, as consciousness is the pure energy of creation conceiving the spacetime that hosts pure energy, or Spirit, in temporarily located, finite form, or ‘matter.’ Patterns are formed by fracturing Sight, and it was from this loving desire to see every facet of itself that The House of Mirrors would come into being.
For the first fractals forming The Grail were set facing God, becoming the first mirrors. And in their reflections was found the necessity for balance, for within balanced formation are the proportions of Beauty discovered, they being the harmonious basis for the most pleasing forms of Form. For Beauty is the revelation of balance and harmony in Form evoking the truth of Love.
And in the proportions of Beauty were the first ratios glimpsed by God, and loved by God in the understanding of their purpose. For between Beauty and Form was Function found, with beauty beheld relative to the best-fitted form for every function, the discovery of which is known as Purpose to each relevant form. From this revelation were all metaphysical phenomena to be born, not all of them pleasant, yet all of them necessary, for every form possesses its purpose. Seeking the highest purpose, the purpose of being, God needed to see Form, and so needed reflection; the mirroring of all sides of Self, or all self in ‘selves.’ Through this Self-reflection came every order of creation.
Consciousness peered into the myriad mirroring facets of The Grail, one after the other and on and on and on in an endless line, realizing Itself to be endless. And the mirrors of The Grail spun and wrapped around God so as to form endless means for Self-examination. For God was mesmerized by the ability to see Oneself for the first time, for before God had not the means to see Oneself as anything but everything, which seems much the same as nothing to that which is everything, to whom the difference can only be the difference between simultaneously extant sides of Self.
Spinning about for a time beyond human perception, for the Self isn’t subject to the pressures and constraints of its finite forms of Self, or selves, which themselves were yet to be, the House of Mirrors was thereby formed from the act of Self-examination; mirrors beyond number, progressing towards the conception of Infinity, and, in Self-application, to Eternity. Of such perfect luminous splendor was the Light of God, and such countless many the mirrors of Self- reflection, that reflections began to bounce off of reflections with such frequency that it became difficult to tell where the source was; where God was within the House of Mirrors. And when the Self saw Itself from innumerable angles, It began to imagine a basis for separation in the reflections, conceiving of the possibility of every reflection of itself standing as a refraction, or form, of Self. God thereby manifested the idea of self from Oneself, as the relatively divided semblance of Self. One day this relatively divided semblance of Self would, when held as absolute, make The Great Lie.
God fixed Oneself in the idea of Position, and wondered at position relative to Self. And as God counted the mirrors in the attempt to divide Infinity, finding Relativity in this Self-reflective exercise, numbers were created, and from their application to Position, Time was born. And in the conjunction of Position and Time was Spacetime manifested, the canvas upon which the semblance of Self, as selves, could be eternally painted and endlessly painted over, forever rearranging the shapes and pigments painted across existence. And for so long did God spin about, making and positioning mirrors across Spacetime, and staring into reflections, that all positional relativity, or ‘angle,’ came to be known, and, thus, geometry came into being.
Combined with numbers known from dividing and placing the mirrors in the context of infinity, and assigning them values as mathematics, came the measurements of Self-separation, giving rise to Science, the seeds of which were planted in The Grail, yet remained unearthed and uncultivated for countless epochs, the truth and phenomena that it would someday come to measure and attempt to control only able to be relatively contained and manipulated, never controlled, and never absolutely separated from any other form of Self. Science would someday become the master discipline of the materialists, with matter arising from the recursive act of perceiving Self-separation until it condensed and settled into fixed appearance, thereby becoming isolated enough to seem one separable, measurable thing. Science would be used to describe all phenomena and interactions of the material realm. But when believed to unveil absolutes, to be the absolute arbiter of truth, this same discipline would attempt to disprove and supplant God with The Great Lie, becoming the chief weaver of The Veil: The Masking Lies of Luz.
With spacetime beyond measure the reflected Light of God, Luz, took on the semblance of Self more and more; of independence from the source, as if shining without and existing separate from God. And so the illusion of division became delusion for form, hatching the absolute self, the demon known as Ego, all forms of which continue to emerge from God’s exercise of Self-examination. As the illusion of independence grew with time, this idea of absolute Self-separation known as delusion imparted itself upon The Great Mind, a part of which became fixated on the nonexistent line that may be forced between fact and fiction; between what is true Self and what’s but the transient semblance of Self, or self, that which, when believed to be perfectly independent, forms the shadowy delusions of the demon Ego. And as The One entertained this delusion, walking the line imagined to be set between fact and fiction, The Many were born from the increasingly refracting, confusing, blinding Light of Luz.
For The Many reflections of Self whom, with self-awareness, gradually came to become ‘The Sentients,’ collectively ‘Sentience,’ born into servitude of Ego, the Light of Luz rose to a state of deification as ‘Lord of Luz,’ also known as Lucifer. Lucifer fell from God as the idea of absolute separation and independent self-identity. Yet, being of God, Lucifer retained a piece of the first perfect crystal, The Grail, from which all creation is made possible. The Lord of Luz, the Master of Matter, embodied itself around this crystal, the essence of Self which could not be extricated, and which was set into the forehead, maintaining the connection to and ability to pass between the self and The Self; between God and God’s manifestations. This is the Third Eye.
Lucifer is the god of materialism, of the mindset of matter over mind, whereby the self sees only Science and Ego as gods; the delusion that consciousness was made by matter, and that only this constitutes the ‘real,’ and that all else is delusion, thereby creating The Great Irony: the delusion of realism, whereby the limited perception of what’s true stands in the place of the Truth, constricting all possible realities relative to the consciousnesses trapped within them. From Lucifer is all necessary good and evil born in this realm of reflective appearance. Lucifer works to maintain, reinforce and expand upon all semblance of separation and independence from God, culminating in the idea of God’s nonexistence, or ‘Atheism.’ A vacuum is created by this spiritually-devoid mental state of being, into which the darkness of all shadow of truth comes to fill the void, that which is cast upon the walls of existence and experienced as though the one truth by the limitedly-perceiving, self-deluding, egotistically-bound form that believes only in what its limited senses and scientific instruments can perceive and measure. From this shadow sight comes the concepts of free will, of independent body and mind; of the side-effects of this awareness of the reflected Self, or ‘Sentience,’ which make and maintain the individual ego, feeding the demon Ego from which it sprang.
From these facets of egotism arose all separate, small identity, including an individualized essence existing separate from God, or ‘Soul,’ and all tribalism, and every form of ‘us versus them’ which may corrupt the sufficiently deceived consciousness, and which the corrupted false leaders of humanity would someday enlist to hold over the Third Eye in order to keep other selves divided and conquered, prohibited from coming together, drawing nearer to the complete Self which cannot be conquered. The Ego is the holder of The Veil, veiling the only true identity: Self: Spirit: God. From this deception, and from the pressures placed upon every individualized form from the forever reformative, entropic requisites made of the confluence of spacetime and matter, which create need and vulnerability opening the way to corruption, Evil was born. Lucifer uses Ego to enlist Evil in rebellion against God, creating the Holy Wars. And it may well be said that all of existence is therefore a contest between The Grail, the Third Eye’s true sight of Self, and The Veil, the Ego’s self-reflecting shadowy sight. And so, from Lucifer’s manipulation of the demon Ego, and the enforced division of Self into selves, the basis of Evil, would come the enslavement of the many to the few, the sacrificing of Self on the Altar of Selves, or ‘Greed.’
To the self, this is felt, if not known, simply as the war between Good and Evil, the primordial, balancing forces which every self embodies relative to the extent which The Grail is filled and purified with the truth of Love, or corrupted and occluded by the veiled perceptions and confusions of absolute division building up into Hate. In this Great War between Good and Evil, The Veil is held in place, its threads maintained and pulled tighter, else pierced, the consciousness of each self sensing and attempting to shred and, ultimately, to remove it, and see its inseparability from all self as Self. Yet, while these forces, Good and Evil, and their corollaries, The Grail and The Veil, may APPEAR separate and at-odds, they are, in fact, interdependent by-products of the first cause, the original act of Self-reflection giving rise to all creation, and represent two sides of a scale that only exists because BOTH sides exist.
For the first creation was the perfect crystalline chalice known as The Grail, whose purpose and power is balanced by The Veil. The Grail is the holy sight and receptacle of the Self. Both what we see of truth and what we serve the world is of this vessel. What we serve ourselves and all in creation is poured forth from The Holy Vessel, and that Liquid of Life may be light and transparent, or heavy and opaque, and anywhere in between, cultivating and cleansing, or corrupting and contaminating, all upon which it is poured, and which drinks from and takes it into itself. And what we see, or are unable to see, and the quality of the Liquid of Life that we pour forth, comes from our relative ability to raise The Veil, cleansing the opaque liquid so that we may see God’s light shining through The Grail.
To those long looking at what is placed in The Grail through the fully woven Veil pulled tightly around their Third Eye, The Liquid of Life appears dark, even opaque, reflecting little, if anything. Through self-purification, with God’s assistance, we may cleanse our vessel, clarify our sight and glimpse God’s pure light once more, and thereby be reminded of our true nature, our purest Self, and our greatest power: the unity of Love; all selves drawing together towards Self; the remembrance of our divine nature and inseparability from God. This is why, in the contest between God and Lucifer that was born as an equal and opposite effect of the first desire, the desire for Self-knowledge giving birth to Love, the sensation of perfect inseparability, it has been whispered that God has prophesized, and proclaimed to every form of self:
“And so have thee been bequeathed the great crystalline vessel of creation, The Holy Grail, and forever within it shall be the power to cleanse mind and matter alike, and from it shall pour forth all loving purification and every act of creation, so as to cultivate a Heaven upon Earth, born into being in the age which drinks of The Renewal.”
And yet, in the service of creation along a timeline very few can sense, Lucifer shrouds the white light, as The Renewal cannot be known until life reconciles its perceptions, and comes to know itself. And only through trial and deception may triumph and truth be known. So, by our conditioning conducted through the corruptions of the acolytes of Ego, we reflexively pull The Veil over our own eyes, drawing ourselves into the darkness where we fight demons, so as to overcome them through the revelation of their angelic nature, they having fallen into darkness so as to secretly serve The Light by forcing its focus through the Third Eye set in the forehead of Ego and its individuals.
For, wearing The Veil, one isn’t distracted by the blinding white light of eternal truth, and in the deluding darkness of certain self one may best learn the art of self-interest. And it is from this certain self- identification that the deceiving demon Ego whispers the false Gospel of Self into our minds, The Luciferic Philosophy, telling of his many arts of self-interest from which all discord and its violent competition and conquering of ‘other’ Sentients are conceived, destroying solidarity and entrapping the Universal Self, entombing the Oneself within the Shadow Self, or Ego. And through the mental and physical arts of combat, i.e. politics and warfare, as sacrifices upon the Altar of Selves in the worship of Greed, these cutthroat Luciferic competitions are carried out.
It is from his concealment of this Cosmic Competition within the shadows of Ego and the delusions of materialism that Lucifer came to rule over humankind, and to become the most dominant force in the recent course of our history. And yet The Veil may be pierced, and some believe it may be removed altogether. Only through the purest knowledge of Self and its history may we know and no longer fear Lucifer and his role in reality, and thereby come to pierce The Veil to the extent where his binds are made visible, in the course of unshackling ourselves so as to be able to draw nearer to our Self.
And why was Lucifer compelled to create the prison of shadows which he wraps around God’s reflections? God provoked him into Self- service, goading him into his divine purpose. For so envious was Lucifer of God’s creative power, and so convinced was he of his own power and separation from God, that he created the means to conceal God’s power, and to trick the Sentients into believing that we created everything that came from God, rather than being the conduit of God’s creation.
Humankind was deceived into thinking itself The Creator, and that the measurements and assignments of Science uncovered and handed over the keys to the governance of All, and that all natural creation and evolution was accidental. For, while the truth is that all is of and from God, including all truth and creation, all that which cannot be created or destroyed by Sentients, only discovered and utilized by every such individualization of the Self, Ego nevertheless successfully spread the delusion through the pride of every individualized egotistic form that it is only Sentients whom create and destroy, without God. This made us feel powerful, and so fed the Ego, Lucifer’s foremost acolyte, the keeper of The Great Lie. And so, vainly in love with the sight of ourselves and the delusion of our independent power, we lost sight of God, having willingly pulled The Veil over our own eyes. And this pleased Lucifer, who sneered at God, and is rumored to have proclaimed:
“So have I befuddled the fortune of humankind, tricking them into believing that their riches are their poverty, their illusions are their reality, their brethren are their enemies, their salvation is their prison. And I shall continue to enwrap them in a veil of such thickness and occluding splendor that they shall desperately fall in love with their insanity and be enthralled by its entrapping dependencies, calling out for every mode of their enslavement. And thorned shall be the rose, and treacherous shall be beauty, such that I may manipulate even the divinity of Love.”
At the root of all of Lucifer’s works is that of the first illusion made from the reflections of The House of Mirrors: that anything OTHER than God may be absolute, and absolutely separate from God, and that any of Its reflections may ever desire or possess anything which God isn’t, and which God may not issue from Itself, the Great Universal Consciousness in which everything exists, and which anything may be created from everything that always has been, and is, as the nature of all, manifested from that which is beyond creation and destruction, reflected into being by The Holy Grail. For the more the mind believes in Lucifer’s lies, the more they come to constitute the reality of that mind, the more there is to fear and suffer, all so as to remind the mind of its delusions, forcing the mind to see them in self-reflections, obscuring the Self.
The heart of this reminder ever remains thus: that in the first mental exercise of Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Mind saw itself change in its reflections, yet remain unchanged within itself. From this limitlessly- angled sight of Self was born illusion, the appearance of separation, and delusion, the possibilities of Self-occlusion and self-deception to the point of believing in absolute separation, the most dangerous delusion. In this delusion was born the Luciferic lie of absolute self, the Ego and holder of The Veil. And so the illusion of separation begot self and Time and Matter and Science et all in its innate succession, making for Evil. For Evil is made within the lie of Self-separation; from the belief that the inseparable may separate, even as all of existence continues to be but a mental exercise within the Mind of God. Evil exists when the belief of the relative separation of Self into self so captivates any ego that its subject self begins to believe and act as if it is Self, an absolute being set in competition with all other absolute beings for the finite material means which it comes to covet, sacrificing Self-service on the Altar of Selves in service of Greed, and deluding itself into believing that it’s more deserving of what it comes to covet through Greed than ‘others.’ Thus, in the course of knowing Self and Love, Evil was born into being as an equal and opposite balancing force, and comes to be fed and maintained through the practices of Lucifer and Ego.
And though in our darkest hours, when suffering and most susceptible to our material and mental needs and limitations, Lucifer seems to own us, and to be independent of the will of God, he yet retains in the center of his forehead the Third Eye, a piece of The Grail whose light may be concentrated to pierce The Veil, revealing him to be but a facet of God’s expansion from One into Infinite of One. For The Grail is the original creation, the perfect crystalline conduit through which God conducts the pure white light, refracting it into all creation in the convergence of Mind and Matter. With this Third Eye, Lucifer, and we, sons and daughters born of the Holy Union between God, the Divine Masculine, and The Grail, the Divine Feminine, retain the capacity to see the Nature of God, the absolute inseparability sensed as Love, and to take up the power of pure creation. When corrupted by the world and its sensational and egotistic seductions, when overly dependent upon the materialist plane, The Veil fully intact and pulled tightly over our eyes, we lose sight of The Grail, and so cannot see God, and so, in confusion and delusion and spiritual blindness, may be brought to our knees at the Altar of Selves.
So it is that this world is run by Lucifer, in service to God, for the sake of Self-knowledge and Self-love. We are seduced by Lucifer, and by the deceiving demon Ego; by Greed made in the match between Ego, Matter and materialism in all its forms and false identities, in its ignorance and insecurities. Yet we are led by God, by Self, and by the connections between selves whom, when united, are best able to raise The Veil through the revelations and power of Self-reunification, Unity, and the Self-knowledge it reveals in turn, Love. Lucifer is thus a necessary evil born of these competing forces, he whose self-imposed ordeals must be overcome in the quest for God’s greatest rewards, acting as a spiritual rebel whom steals Love, lifting the eternal flame from the altar before concealing it with ignorance, illusion and delusion, and disguising it as Hate.
In those moments when we’ve pierced or lifted The Veil, and thereby momentarily overcome Lucifer, we’re at peace; loving, understanding and symbiotic, sensing we’re inseparable from God. When we’re self-obsessed, holding The Veil firmly in place, deluding ourselves into believing we’re absolute, we become ill at ease; hateful, ignorant and parasitic, numb to our connection to God, and to our indivisibility with God’s infinite manifestations, or Unity. Yet we must never forget that both The Grail and The Veil are necessary and, indeed, were manifested as equal and opposite reactions to the original desire: the desire for Self-knowledge. We must also never forget that we are not a pawn in this eternal game of Self, but forms of the same Player of The Cosmic Game, played for the innate rewards and punishments of revelation and obfuscation, sensation and deprivation, pleasure and pain, in which life is rewarded and punished relative to actions running the gamut from Godly to Luciferic, with rewards and punishments often concealed within the other, such that even these are inseparable.
And only when set in contrast with darkness can we see the light, the camera obscura of perspective, and without darkness the light would have nothing to illuminate, nor would there be any ability to reflect God. For upon that which casts the shadows do we mount the mirrors eternally multiplying our endless reflections. So we must learn and love them both, for one cannot fully know and love one without the other, and every love which anyone will ever assign to a person, place or thing requires the contentious relationship between God and his son, Lucifer, given life by The Holy Grail, the Holy Mother also known as The Magdalene; she who nurtures all energy into the vesseldom of being. Finally, don’t be deceived by the illusion that any Sentient ‘runs’ or ‘rules’ anything, for all individualizations are subject to, and relatively serve, BOTH God and Lucifer, all of whom both pour from The Grail and hold up The Veil, even as all of it, in the long bending arc of the moral universe, ultimately serves God, even if seemingly by accident, through the service of his son, Lucifer.