In widespread, deep-rooted ways we’re slaves to the corporate, ownership class interest.
And that interest has but one interest: to extract as much as possible from us and the planet. Thus, this interest is mutually-exclusive with the common interest, and the only way to progress is to overcome the corporate interest and establish the means to pursue the common best interest.
This is where humanity is stuck: sacrificing everything that matters most to greed, both in the modern corporate world, and through centuries, even millennia past when greed was coordinated through other systems with different names, but the same goal; systems that have since been found inefficient in serving the leeching interest, or that have been overcome by progressives, forcing the leeches to adapt. It is against THIS that we must direct our efforts, for ourselves, for posterity and for the planet upon which all depends. For as long as this remains true, the best of life and its potential is sacrificed to the mental and physical enslavement feeding the leeching ownership class.
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First Democrats
Great progress has been made over the last few thousand years, to be sure, from the Pharaohs through Ancient Rome and its patrician versus plebian divide and on to the modern day divide between the aristocrats which one might call the “upper class” or the “ownership class” that owns almost all commercial equity and political fealty and those they refuse to help rise, despite their undeniable ability to do so. It has always been through the efforts of progressives that the ownership class has been pushed into sharing any measure of opportunity. They have never given it up of their own free will, and never will, owing to the corrupting psychological impact of wealth and power. Through progressives, certain rights have been written into law, if not outright guaranteed, and certain higher standards of living have been established for anyone fortunate enough to fight their way into the dwindling “middle class” in the so-called “First World.”
Why do I place these terms in quotes? Because words and their common interpretations have great power, and to believe someone is “higher class” because they’ve positioned themselves to garner more of the world’s finite financial and natural resources by taking advantage of the disadvantage of everyone “below” them, disadvantage that they reprehensibly perpetuate through their systems, lends credence to the egotistic, morally-repugnant notion that a person’s monetary worth is their worth. This is part of the corruptive impact of wealth and power. And this psychologically-set and conventional-mindset-seeded equivalency between financial worth and personal worth is one of the ways in which the systems perpetuating the divide are justified in the minds of both the culprits and their victims, thereby helping to perpetuate those divisive systems themselves. Similarly, positioning America in the “First World” implies those living outside of our technologically, industrially and financially “advanced” society are less advanced, less significant and beneath us. This of course ignores the fact that all of life is inherently valuable, and that this value is severely undermined by such beliefs; it also ignores the fact that all such supposedly advanced nations have actively prevented those victimized nations in the so-called Second and Third World from advancing into the “First World” through our long-running exploitations of their disadvantages, keeping them as client states serving the commercial and political interests of the tiny slice of western society that owns any major share in the equity of major commercial enterprises. For all intents and purposes, colonialism and imperialism remain dominant forces, they’re just hiding under different names and institutional reorganizations through corporatism.
These are but a few demonstrations of the fact that, despite the progress made since the Pharaohs, anyone that is sufficiently educated, informed, morally-developed, socio-politically aware and not corrupted by greed knows that mankind has not yet come close to evolving into its highest collective state. Any true progressive is on some level cognizant of the fact that such a higher state is entirely dependent upon and defined by total quality of life; the quality of the existence of people and, indeed, all forms of life as a whole; and that this dependency is itself dependent upon the protection and health of the planet that affords the possibility of sustainably pursuing that greater total quality of life. Neither of these conditions have come anywhere near to being realized; neither those means by which total quality of life may be advanced, or the means by which planetary protections and sustainable practices may be advanced. So you’re wrong if you think that our horrendously lopsided species and unnaturally burdened planet already qualify as truly advanced, and that we should pat ourselves on the back for living within the supposed “First World.” For anyone that can see through the corruptive, propagandist filth concealing the truth, First World simply means those who are first in responsibility for the plight of the planet and the people; a people who is anywhere but well served by systems meant to serve it, but which, instead, effectively repress it, and our collective potential along with it.
Mankind remains ruled over, disempowered by and oppressed in opportunities, including the manifold opportunities to increase its total combined quality of life which are not guaranteed, but which must be paid for, by a global aristocracy that parasitically feeds off of the disadvantages that they impose through their rule. It’s just not usually called an aristocracy anymore. But that’s what it is. The advantage-taking class of professional exploiters. Think upon it. Seriously. The disparity in wealth, power and opportunity across the planet and the control it grants the modern day patrician class is grotesquely immense and can only continue to grow. And it starts with governance. We have no true, direct say in our government. America, like every other nation, is not and has never actually been ruled over by a democracy. True democracy has never existed, in fact, anywhere at any time, at least not in anything but isolated groups. Certainly it has never ruled a major nation or state, including the city state where it was first conceived. There has always been a controlling buffer set between the people and their governance and, thus, self-governance and self-determination and all the innumerable, inimitable advantages they stand to grant the people in the course of progress have always been blocked by plutocratic republics like the United States Government. Our by-and-large aristocratic political class is beholden to, in bed and cross-bred with the major corporate shareholder class; their masters; those that make certain that progress is painfully slow and bled for at best and backsliding at worst, especially when the country is presided over by a demagogue like Trump in league with corporate cronies in Congress.
Progress is only permitted to prevail at the slowest possible rate, and only then when the pressures are too great to resist, and when our rulers thereby fear that the backlash from not giving in at all will be too costly. History teaches us that people of great wealth and power only relinquish what they must in order to maintain that wealth and power, or to conserve as much of it as possible. This is why they give in, with this evident motive spanning the historical record proving the mental corruption of greed. It tends to be the only reason that progress is made, because we the people force them into it, despite any high-minded-sounding rhetoric they and their political puppets use to hide this foremost motive. People power is the only thing pushing progress, those that are awake and playing its champions forever fighting tooth and nail against those conserving greed through the plutocracy, which simply means rule by the wealthy. And look at how the survival of this prime law of plutocracy has ‘trickled down’ into the rest of mankind’s major controlling systems: the systems of business, economics and religion.
The vast majority of the world’s workforce holds zero equity, the share of ownership and its derived profits, in the organizations for which they work. They, we, remain on the liability side of the corporate balance sheet as costs to be minimized in the maximization of the bottom line, most of the benefits of which we are excluded from using to improve our quality of life. We are tools to be maintained; never truly made into empowered equity-holding partners, but pawns whose greater potential is willingly sacrificed to serve the greed of our masters whom have already tended to maximize their quality of life; at least the quality that they can produce from more financial and natural resources. That share of hoarded resources that our lives are largely dedicated to producing is, in other words, tragically wasted. It has no impact upon quality of life improvement when that impact could be tremendous. Literally life-changing for most. In the parlance of economics this waste amounts to an incalculably great opportunity cost.
Speaking of economics, the story is much the same. Trickling-down from the equity exclusion of the patricians, the theory of economics prevailing over the modern world conditions us to believe that profit and GDP and average income and housing starts and stock prices and other emphasized markers of a “healthy economy” are what we should prize, purposefully ignoring the fact that these are actually markers of a sick society; they are indications of how effective our economy is at enlarging the wealth and power disparity by which overall opportunity and quality of life are reduced. Think about it. Who is paying the profit margin? Workers, consumers and the planet are paying the equity holders. What is GDP and average income? Mean average productivity and income values purposefully ignoring the fact that the median average of GDP and income are far more revealing of the common condition, as the billionaire’s raping the people and the planet for more billions causes the mean average to go up, duping us into believing that things are getting better, when the long, big picture view actually taking the people into account dictates they are continually getting worse. Who’s building most of the houses? The wealthy residential speculators and landlords positioning themselves to lord over more struggling people forced to compete against one another and pay the market rate in order to have a place to live, and whom are thereby precluded from building equity in a home of their own. And stock prices? No more than ten percent of Americans own any sizable amount of stock. More importantly, increasing stock prices represent the improving effectiveness of corporations at taking advantage of disadvantage, profiting off of a people and planet that lacks the power to resist their depredations and thereby loses the opportunity to improve and protect themselves. Stock price increases are total quality of life losses. These are not honorable foci.
Honor. A word that everyone understands. A conduct and core of ethics that everyone recognizes when they see it. The right way. Ideologically, it is the pure duty of serving the greater good of the people and the planet. Conservatism. The conservation of age old traditions. No, not all of them are bad. But where do these traditions generally hail from, and why are conserved? Who is benefiting, and who is losing through their continuity? There’s no honor in perpetuating and taking advantage of disadvantage, or in the connected practices of dividing, distracting, confusing and controlling the many for the benefit of the few and the great loss of those many. Thus, there is no honor in most of the conserved culture of the aristocrats. Conservatism is, therefore, an anachronism. It is a system of beliefs that doesn’t belong in the present of any truly advancing society that claims to pursue the best interests of its people. It is a dinosaur kept alive to frighten and decimate anyone that seeks to do the honorable thing; to keep them scared and fenced in, under the thumb of the parasites that dishonorably perpetuate parasitism. Honorable conservative is an oxymoron; when you correctly appraise the concept of honor, and when you understand the nature and effects of conservatism, you understand that ‘honorable conservative’ is an inherent contradiction. This is clear to all progressives paying attention to the workings of the world.
Shame is on the opposite end of the spectrum from honor. And core to conservatism is the ongoing practice of convincing everyone, including its own members, that there is no shame in ‘might makes right’ and ‘greed is good’ and ‘it’s just business to exploit everyone and everything,’ ‘it’s just human nature,’ however such core conservative tenets are repackaged and sold. Buy into conservatism for long enough and eventually you become an expert at suppressing your shame; a shame which, owing to mental limitations, frankly, you may only subconsciously be aware of. Every deplorable profiteer and plutocrat knows in their heart they are ashamed of themselves, but the mass deluding justifications of greed and power are so ingrained in the west and globalizing world that many, including the aristocrats, allow themselves to believe in their minds what their hearts have always known is false. The honorable, however, foster minds informed by their hearts, building their conviction around lessons lost to the oppressors.
Nothing is made from nothing, and if you think the rich get richer merely from hard work and determination, you’re deluding yourself. The rich get richer mostly because they’ve positioned themselves to be parasitic patricians, leeching off of the common people and the planet through their age old systems of control going back to before Ancient Rome and Caesar’s Machiavellian employment of divide and conquer. And make no mistake, divided and conquered we are, purposefully kept too fractured and weak to put up any real fight. We’re split into two perfectly neutralizing political camps, into economic classes, into religious and ethnic clans, into fenced-off private properties and narrow little family and friendship units. We are too divided, distracted and pressured by conventional survivalist traps and consumeristic compulsions to resist and collectively demand true progress for the vast majority. For it has long been known that only collectively, only united, may we make great progressive strides. Blocking that union is thus core to the conservative playbook in America, and has been for centuries. Yes, that playbook is periodically revised to meet progressive pressures and undercut the momentum made through the application of that pressure, but the goal is always the same: to maintain, if not grow, the wealth and power of the excluding minority, all other considerations be damned. This too is known. But the modern philosophically-minded progressive knows some far greater things.
First, the modern philosopher knows of a superior, true form of democracy. An authentic democracy suited to contemporary times, built to take advantage of the grassroots, democratic power of the internet whereby all citizens are empowered to propose and vote on the legislation of their towns, cities, states and nations directly, else to empower anyone they see fit to represent their interests, whether it be their brother, their neighbor or someone whose opinions they’ve read or heard whom they believe best embodies their beliefs, conscience and convictions. If there is any controlling buffer between the citizen and their self-governance, especially if it be an aristocratically-designed and controlled buffer whereby only those hand-picked by the aristocrats to present the false façade of democracy are permitted to represent the people, then there is no true self-governance, and democracy is dead. Without direct governance democracy continues to be a mere myth; a disastrously-misused idea wielded to placate and control the masses.
Only direct legislative proposals and voting and unlimited representation that may be granted by anyone to anyone else they believe is better able to represent them qualifies as authentic democracy, and only through this true democracy may the best interests of all of life be best pursued. Of course, even the truest, most popularly-empowering democracy must prohibit mob rule to unjustly and unconstitutionally target anyone, even those of great dishonor. As an example, the people must not be permitted to force the seizure and redistribution of wealth. Instead, merited, honorable systems must be put in place which naturally foster this redistribution over time through increasing popular opportunity, protection and sharing of the political power and commercial equity amongst the people. The point being that even true democracy must be honorably devoted to upholding certain rights as sacrosanct and inviolable, protected by the constitution and its judged interpretation, even as other laws and mandates are rewritten by the people to lay the foundation for a truly democratic structure strong enough to support the best interest of the people as a whole. The narrowing of the disparity of wealth, power, opportunity and quality of life will be reached as this structure grows, not forced by a mob sullying the sacred name and intent of democracy as the plutocrats have done in America.
Second, the modern philosopher knows of a system of economics and a structure of business far better serving the best interests of the people. An economic system built to incentivize the production of the greatest possible quality of life value; to naturally foster the highest possible quality of life for life as a whole and the protection of a planet reeling from irresponsible exploitation by the greed-infected, short-sighted plunderers. This is the economics that any progressive school would teach. Back this with a business structure that includes everyone on the equity side of the balance sheet, rewarding them a stake in ownership relative to the value they produce for their organization; a form of business embodying meritocracy. This is the business that any progressive school would teach. Take a shot at devising your own such systems! I call my triumvirate of societal systems The Political Point System of Democratic Governance, Quality of Life Economics and Business Collectivism. And my spiritual conception, a harmonized meeting of science and theology, I call Monoexistentialism. These systems are symbolized by the four overlapping infinity signs depicted on this website. The purpose of this website is to advance ideas paralleling progressive ideas of the past in order to grant greater awareness of where we actually are, where we can go and how we can get there; to incite within you some measure of the indignation I feel on behalf of everyone! And I hope I can impart what are, perhaps, the two most vital truths of all: We’re one heart, and justice is inevitable.
As Martin Luther King Jr. once famously remarked: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Progressive pressure will never stop being applied and, thus, justice is only a matter of time. Unless, of course, we destroy all life and the planet first. Furthermore, I believe that the heart is the gateway of Spirit into matter and its individualized manifestations: all forms of life. I believe that our truest energetic essence is eternal and universally shared and that, therefore, no narrowly perceiving religion or excluding tribal identity of any type or basis can ever be in the right or ever erode the truth that, once this spiritual awareness is well enough known, spread and lived by, that we will collectively call up the power to provoke the greatest progress and produce the highest forms of justice. We only need believe this truth, and for you, for each of us, to do our part in spreading it.
But first, let us acknowledge this one simple, starting truth: America is not a democracy. It is a plutocratic republic. Let us fight for true democracy. And let the foremost champions in this fight be known as THE FIRST DEMOCRATS.