It is the heart, the seat of The Spirit, that seeks unity with the body and mind. That is the true Holy Trinity. And when the Holy Trinity drives the human, they are their best-driven selves.
Month: April 2020
A question meant to provoke: How bad does ‘food’ have to be for you in order for you, personally, not to eat it? Just fast-acting, acutely poisonous, like a potentially fatal allergic reaction? Or does gradual debilitation declining into premature death (i.e. SAD, Standard American Diet) and never knowing your fullest, happiest, healthiest, most capable…
Is Feudalism Truly Dead?
I’m beginning to believe that landlording should be illegal. It’s an inherently oppressive, exploitative relationship whereby the landlord controls the way in which the lessee lives and extracts rent that is, from the lessee’s standpoint, money poured down the drain in lost equity that they couldn’t begin building for themselves and their future. Thus, the…
Conceiving of God
The human mind can’t quite wrap around this truth or its implications, but give it a try: All things begin and end with that which never began and cannot end.
Personal Worth
Our worth is based upon the value that we make, not the value that we take.
The Art of Communication
Realizing in you what’s been realized in me.
The Makings of An Outsider
The more outside the norm you are, the more likely others will feel threatened by you in some way, the harder it will be to fit in and gain acceptance by most, the more likely you’ll gravitate towards solitary pursuits free from the resultant abnormal degree of social stresses.
Questions Over Claims
Perhaps the key to human relations, to getting to know others, to building bridges and overcoming conflicting viewpoints, to all of it… Instead of making statements, instead of egotistically asserting or insecurely self-defending, ASK QUESTIONS. Questions produce revelations and break through boundaries while showing interest. They’re also far less threatening than assertions.
Relativity Over Absolutes
‘Good.’ ‘Bad.’ If you think in think in terms of such misleadingly over-simplistic dichotomous absolutes, you know no truth, for most every truth is relative.
Boiling Away What’s Best
If it’s beholden to profit above all else, it shall boil away all that’s best in the rendering of its bottom line.