“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”
Henry David Thoreau

Welcome to the rabbit hole underlying the surface snares and divide and conquer cages. Allow me to slice open those snares and collapse those cages so that you may follow me down the hole, where the freeing truth hides beneath the oppressive lies.
Why don’t we start with…
What’s Infinite of One?
“Infinite of One,” a philosophical novel, is the title of the first book completed by myself, Nick Jameson, the creator of this website and the connected publishing platform. It was through the writing of that book that the core of my ideology was formed, cementing convictions that’ve been with me ever since, and which led me to realize that I’m an ideologue. The title “Infinite of One” alludes to the spiritual belief that, at the heart of existence there’s but One being of pure spiritual, energetic consciousness constituting all of existence, expanded into infinite finite forms of Itself through the existential framework of spacetime, gravitationally Self-attracted before being condensed into matter under sufficient Self-concentrating energetic force.
Gravity is, in fact, a metaphysical force, like love. Where love is an evocation of the sense of oneness, gravity is a physical enactment of the same force; a reflection of the most natural state of being as that of the oneness innate to Spirit, the One seeking Its own reunification. And all material forms are finite manifestations existing within and as inseparable aspects of the One. We’re all a part of God! I often refer to God as ‘Spirit,’ for the simple reason that I’m compelled to differentiate my beliefs from the traditional conceptions associated with the word ‘God.’ For, again, the God that I know is all-inclusive, can never be confined by traditional theological conceptions (historically confined for the purposes of controlling the minds of religious believers) that unnaturally narrow the scope of totality into a confined sphere, and is absolutely inseparable from all of Its manifestations, including you and me.
That is, at the core of all being, when you reduce anything and everything down to the point of irreducibility, rather than ending at nothing (no-thing), you must end at the One Thing, for the end of the act of infinite reduction can only be One, the subtlest and most essential basis of being, as all that exists can’t have formed from nothing (from non-existence). Mathematically this root metaphysical principle may be stated as: “Nothing times anything is always nothing, whereas one times anything is always a product of One.”
Through the exercise of reason and logic employing principles shared by science and spiritual philosophy (which are actually not in conflict, but which constitute different perspectives upon the same truths), especially the principle that nothing is created or destroyed, only forever rearranged, we ultimately end any exercise in reducibility at the point of the sameness and inseparability of all things, finding that all of us are part and parcel of the irreducible, indestructible One: God, or Spirit, or whatever term you may ascribe to divinity.
Thus, everything that exists must be composed of this one irreducible, indestructible thing, and all finite, mortal forms of being must be impermanent formations of the One being, with eternal existence being comprised of recycled formations of the One formless Self of pure energy manifested through Mother Matter; i.e. through Mother Nature. The divine masculine is as the incarnating seed of creation. The divine feminine is as the womb that births that pure energetic seed into constantly reincarnating forms of Itself based upon the evolving conditions of existence. All of it, the entire spectrum, typified by the eternal balance set between the masculine and the feminine, was generated from the One ‘big banging’ into Infinite of One, which is why I decided on the publishing imprint “Infinite of One.”

We’re not only of the same provenance, but that provenance, what one might call the single ‘soul’ (the indivisible Spirit, or Self), is the essence of every individualization of that Self. Thus, every ‘self’ is but a finite, fleeting form of Self, with all sense of separation being but a limit of sensory capacity suiting material individualization; not individualism – this is different, and ultimately illusory.
That is, we could not survive and appreciate individualized existence and the invaluable, mortal nature of existing as a special ‘self’ if our sense of existence was too much of the ubiquitous Self; if our spiritual sense, or ‘sixth sense,’ the all-inclusive sight of our third eyes, overpowered our biologically-evolved senses. (Read Huxley’s Doors of Perception, and consider the concept of the ‘reducing valve’ of the senses for the sake of survival).
We sense a separation of independent selves in order to exist as selves; as relatively separated forms of the One forever evolving to balance out one another, or One to its others; even though separation is ultimately an illusion made of the sense of self (the bodily and sentient ‘self’) overriding the sense of Self (the spiritual Self sensed through the heart, where pure energy is enlivened into biological being). Through the same Infinite of One construct we find that mortality isn’t a curse, but a gift that God gave its infinite individualized forms so that they’d better appreciate their unique, fleeting experiences of existence.
Paraphrasing one of my favorite musicians, Trevor Hall, we’re not running out of time, as though moving towards nonexistence, or nothingness, but running in; running back into our most natural, spiritual state of oneness that always survives every form of the individualized self from which it springs. Our truest Self is all things, and is eternal. This rationally, logically, philosophically and scientifically informed theology is at the heart of metaphysical truth, and overlaps with many ancient beliefs held within spiritual and religious communities from the East, such as “non-dualism,” “monism” and “pantheism.”
Convincing humankind that it’s separate from God in order to control us represents one of the great, oppressive evils of religion. This may, in fact, be considered the first division in divide and conquer, a Machiavellian tactic at the heart of the ruler’s handbook (especially the demagogic rulers). In fact, I consider this to be the true ‘original sin:’ convincing humanity that it’s separate from God. It’s a dark irony that the purveyor of this original sin is religion.In truth we can never be separated from God; from our innate oneness (something that we all sense instinctively, through our hearts). Alas, to our immense disservice at the hand of conquerors of every order and their culture of domination (rather than the culture of partnership innate to most native populations), through religion and the prevalent modern ideologies of ‘materialism’ and ‘realism,’ through narrow, arrogant interpretations of scientific data, and through the politics of conservatism and the theologies of religion (as opposed to the ‘spiritual but not religious’ theologies such as mine) we can and, indeed, have been convinced as a majority that we’re separate from God, to our immense disempowerment and our devolution of disconnection. This is akin to humanity being spiritually asleep. I’m one of those here to help humankind realize its innate divinity; its inseparability from one another, and from God, the One.
Open-minded, rational, moral scholars of religion cannot help but ultimately arrive at the fact that, unlike the pure spiritual quest that is the birthright of all sentient beings, religion is the attempt to control, confine and dictate propriety around that which is boundless and beyond all such human control, such that religion ultimately represents a corruption of pure spirituality. Historically, the development of religion has been about taking advantage of people’s fear, ignorance, gullibility and need for acceptance in order to control them and get them to do what the powerful (who’ve historically been the owners of both the temple and the palace) want them to do.
Thus, conflating the words ‘religion’ and ‘spirituality’ is inherently false, and the latter can never be owned by the former. And when pure spiritual philosophers have existed, and have gained great followings free from religion, what invariably happens is that those in power have religionized their spirituality, in the attempt to own it and control its followers. So it is that religion is stamping, categorizing, naming and enforcing a false ownership of that which cannot be owned, is ultimately unnamable, and crosses between and blurs all categorization, for It belongs equally to everyone and everything. The claim to ‘own’ that which innately belongs to all of life, and then excluding most lives from ownership, is the dark heart of human history, and is inseparable from modern finance, business, economics, politics and religion (see Cultural Cornerstones, Recarved). But worry not, for the truth shall set you free! Simply keep reading.
The heart of all truth is this: everything is ultimately One thing. Therefore, how we treat others isn’t actually a treatment of ‘others,’ for ‘otherness,’ like ‘separation,’ is an illusion born of the same sensorial (as well as computational and analytical) limitation. So it is that, in the underlying metaphysical truth of any moral matter, how we treat ‘others’ is the treatment of ourselves, for the totality of selves is what constitutes the Self: God, or Spirit. Thus, we treat others how we’d want them to treat us not just because it’s correct by conventional moral standards, but because spiritual morality dictates it’s correct; because, at the root of existence, there is no ‘us’ and ‘them,’ only We, so how we treat others is the treatment of the eternal Self of which all selves are inseparable parts, like one holy light shining through a prism of infinite unique facets.
When morality is informed by pure spirituality, we realize that true morality is based upon spiritual truth. That is, you cannot do good or harm to others without doing good or harm to yourself as a form and indivisible aspect of the universally-shared Self. These revelations, unearthed from the spiritual and philosophical excavations of ancient-most truths, together constitute the “Spiritual Rule,” what I consider an upgrade of the Golden Rule, for it possesses greater insight and offers more empowerment. That is: Treat others as you’d have them treat you because there are no others, and all selves are forms of the Self. There is no spoon. You are the spoon. And from this foundational tenet of spiritually-informed morality is all ‘goodness’ and ‘badness’ determined, and may all morality meant to govern any social construct be judged. And most of the prevailing contemporary social constructs must be considered moral failures. The truth is that the prevailing systems of society are parasitic in nature.
Through eons of evolutionary adaptation to pushback from progressives, the prevailing social systems were designed and are maintained and updated for the sake of appearing free and just whilst being anything but, all so that the few are able to subdue, control and feed off of the many and the planet, thereby unsustainably destabilizing the planet upon which all life depends whilst simultaneously producing inevitable gross and ever-growing disparities in resource availability, income, opportunity, control and total quality of life. Prevailing parasitism plagues the global populace, keeping the vast majority of the world’s people oppressed through a repression of every opportunity to gain a say and ownership stake in the systems failing to serve our collective best interest. All morally-legitimate progress is based upon moving from the prevalence of parasitism to the succession of symbiosis necessary for humanity to evolve towards its heights. And spiritual truth, in contrast to misleading, oppressive religious ‘truth,’ is core to this movement.
Infinite of One Publishing is built upon the spiritual bedrock of these philosophical and ‘spiritual but not religious’ revelations. We’re an independent publishing platform built from a renouncement of the traditional publishing realm, renounced for a multitude of reasons, including my dismay at their prevalent, dishonorable ‘sales is everything’ drive, the inconsiderate, ‘jump through our hoops’ attitude they tend to demonstrate (likely owing to the oversaturation of the market that compels them to devalue writers), the fact that they control the portrayal and retain most of the equity in the books that they purchase from authors, and especially because this particular publishing imprint is backed by true convictions that tend to be in conflict with the objectives and ideology of most publishing houses and the shareholders of their ‘parent companies.’ I was, in fact, told by one publisher that joining a traditional publishing house was unsuitable for me as a “true believer,” because “you don’t write books, you write manifestos.”
I offer an array of books and papers ranging the literary gamut from popularly-empowering spiritual and social philosophy to poetry and fiction. Most of my books and papers are offered for free on this site (along with the request for support by purchasing a physical copy of at least one book through the links supplied herein), and all of these writings support progressive causes framed by my theories. You’ll find that, unlike the glut of the market pandering to the ‘easy entertainment’ reader, most of my work will challenge you, often in ways deemed ‘provocative,’ ‘heretical’ and ‘politically incorrect,’ if not ‘controversial,’ or, if the reader is particularly controlled by the tenets of conservatism and religiosity, even ‘evil,’ ‘satanic,’ ‘unpatriotic,’ or any other pejorative term the uncritical, conditioned minions of immorality are trained to call the select few free thinkers like me.
What, by the way, is conservatism? While they’ll do everything to convince you otherwise, and continue to spend billions of dollars every year lying to and duping the uneducated, unintelligent, fearful and gullible into believing it’s about freedom, justice, equality and God, it’s actually none of these things and, if anything, it ironically serves Satan; symbolically, not literally, of course. The conservative-minded struggle with the distinction between ‘symbolic’ and ‘literal,’ as they do with the distinction between ‘relative truth’ and ‘absolute truth.’ An accurate definition of conservatism: The conservation of the power, privilege and profiteering of the few at the cost of the planet and the vast majority of people.
Everything in conservatism serves the greed of the few while being sold as the opposite; as serving the many whom are actually mentally, socioeconomically and politically enslaved by it, and whom tend to work against themselves by supporting it without understanding it. When it comes to Infinite of One Publishing, the purpose of my writing isn’t just to entertain, but to provoke, challenge, edify, empower, and, ultimately, to free as many as possible from the chains that they don’t even know they’re wearing, because they’re invisible and wrapped around their minds. This cannot be accomplished without ‘rubbing the wrong way’ those whom are conditioned to conserve the prevailing power structure, and whom, through conservative propaganda, come to condemn those whom actually serve them, including me. Through my projects I’ve created and continue to communicate my own progressive brand of ideology based upon what constitutes my core, guiding ideas and principles and the systems of spirituality, politics, economics and business to which those ideas and principles led.
The purpose of this website is to share these ideas and principles through a series of pages linked to an array of papers and books (and a few videos, with the intention of starting a podcast) which I believe to be of great value to my patrons; fruits from Sophia’s philosophical tree offered to a spiritually-and-morally-malnourished humanity. Most of my content is provided ad-free and free of charge herein, including PDF’s of my books, also offered through major retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, the sales of which support my continued writing and hopes of expanding into other progressive pursuits.
While we’re conditioned in capitalist society to associate worth with financial and material accumulation regardless of service to life, the truest value of anything is based wholly upon its utility to life, something which ‘Free Market Economics’ fails to account for. The highest value of anything is its quality of life utility value, the extent to which it may be used to increase the total quality of life upon the planet (that is, the total quality of ALL lives added together), for there can be no greater cause than that of life itself, and no greater application of anything of value.
Thus, when something useful to the furtherance of life is absent, the goal is to fulfill it, and when something not being applied to this furtherance is present but not available for the application to increasing quality of life, the goal is to increase its accessibility through greater merit and opportunity. For when something of inherent quality of life utility it not being so utilized, its very purpose and highest potential is being wasted, and the only moral goal is to reorder systems so as to increase that accessibility. These ends constitute the only moral purpose of human systems: not to force equal distributions and thereby infringe upon free will and merited reward (the error of communism), but to achieve systems which naturally encourage the realization of increasing quality of life utility for all things of value by granting humanity the increased opportunity to do so.
Ultimately, my goal is to help craft systems and contribute to paradigm shifts in the conventional understanding of those ideas and systems which I believe have the greatest impact upon humanity, shifting those systems and understandings away from serving the self-interest of the few towards serving the best interests of the many, as these interests tend to be mutually exclusive. Very often, this immense undertaking involves tearing down common misconceptions built by years of propagandist indoctrination into western society; the aristocratic and imperialistic claws that’re so deeply embedded in the conventional mindset that we’re not even aware of the difference between the ‘reality’ they twist our minds to believe and the truth itself, an insidious evil afflicting all of us to some degree.
Relative to this paramount pursuit, I believe that the discipline of philosophy is highly misunderstood and undervalued. In the adulterated Western Mind the discipline is commonly viewed as a purely intellectual ‘circle-jerk;’ an entirely useless exercise held within the Ivory Tower. It’s not. It’s the cure, just as Plato knew it to be. For, when best employed, philosophy boils complex subjects down to their most fundamental forms from which the most powerful progressive principles may be pulled and put to use in crafting ideas and systems of the highest possible service to life as a whole. This is the very purpose of the reason and logic employed by philosophy, and grants it immense utility value.
To this end, Infinite of One Publishing is an idealistic organization fighting to communicate the fact that idealism isn’t naïve, but embodies the courage, imagination and moral development not to sell humanity short and create justifications for greed and other forms of immorality causing evil effects (the true nature ‘social realism,’ backed by ontological and social materialism). Instead, idealism is about perpetually striving for our collective heights, knowing that this is the only way for humanity to eventually summit, led by the most progressive, rational, moral mountaineers, so to speak. It’s about having the courage and conviction to fight for what’s right, backed by the best principles, ideas and systems for pulling the people together in order to push one-another towards a summit which we can only eventually reach through the solidarity of collaborating, shared purpose.
From The Dawning Prophecy:
If we accept that God may never fit into or be controlled by any single religion, for it is the pure, indestructible energy of Universal Consciousness, then we must come to see that everything in existence IS this Universal Consciousness, that we dwell within and are intertwined with this Everything, that separation is an illusion of sensory limitation, and that ALL forms of consciousness are intertwined with THE consciousness. Our hearts and minds are fused with God, that which manifested and shall forever manifest all things, and who guides us through the core of our energies emanating from and condensed within the heart. And only by drawing upon our collective force, refusing all the parasitism we’ve been taught and reinforcing and celebrating all modes of collective empowerment may we free ourselves from the oppressive overlords, shed thousands of years of enslavement and bring about The Dawning.
From Wikipedia, on The Age of Aquarius:
Many astrologers see the Age of Aquarius as that time when humanity takes control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage, with the destiny of humanity being the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness, and that some people will experience enlightenment in advance of others and therefore be recognized as the new leaders in the world.
Be Involved By:
Reading the Literature on my IDEAS:
- The Innate Conspiracy of Capitalism
- Divide and Conquer: The Dark Heart of the Conservative Playbook
- Adam Smith Sucks
- The Dawning Prophecy
- Bridging the Ideological Divide
- A Prescription for Popular Progress
- Re-Carving Our Cultural Cornerstones
- Simple Societal Success Equation
- What’s A Collective?
- The Business Collective Contract
- The Economics of Existence
- The First Requisite of Justice
- First Democrats
- Return to Nature
- Critical Failure: Political Correctness Rules Contemporary Criticism
- The Way of One: Individualism is Illusion
- The Community of God
- We Are Infinite of One
- The Ubiquity of Divinity
- The New Parable of The Fisherman
- House of Mirrors: The First History
- The Light Chose the Darkness
- The Essential You
- Superhuman Reset
- The PROPER Human Diet
- Lollipop Paleo
- The Weight Loss Equation
- The Raw-Focused Pesca-Paleo Diet
- Mother Dearest Paleo
- The Healing Protocol
- Ideal Diet, Super Simple
The Four Cornerstones:
- True Democracy (Cornerstone One)
- Quality of Life Economics (Cornerstone Two)
- Business Collectivism (Cornerstone Three)
- Monoexistentialism (Cornerstone Four)
Reading my BOOKS:
- I Fell in Love in a Mental Institution: A Memoir of Sorts
- The Theosophisutra
- The House on Apple Blossom Lane
- Old Blood
- God Isn’t Religious: A Penned Pursuit of Universal Principles
- The Empress Needs No Clothes: A Poetry Collection
- The Transmuted Tao: A Contemporary Philosopher Revisits the Spiritual Classic
- Heresies of a Heathen: Revelations of the Spiritual But Not Religious
- Holier Than Thou: The Star People, The Witch & The Forest King
- Rosebud: A Poetry Collection
- Cultural Cornerstones, Recarved
- Avant Garde
- Infinite of One
- Thin Line Between: A Poetry Collection
- Love of Wisdom
- From the Roots Up: A Progressive, Spiritual Philosopher’s Journal
Contributing to the DISCUSSION Forums on this website:
- General Philosophy
- Monoexistentialism, Spirituality and Religion
- Business Collectivism
- Quality of Life Economics
- True Democracy
- Nutrition
Exploring, posting to and patronizing the:
Let me be as clear as possible to anyone who may come to read this page:
Conservatism is conserving the greed and power of the few at the cost of the many. That’s it. Everything else associated with conservatism is simply a smokescreen; propaganda produced and perpetuated in order to manipulate the gullible, meager minds of its multitude of misled minions.
In direct connection, the world has two primary problems towering above all others:
(1) Greed, strategically designed and continually redesigned to resemble something else. (2) The gullible minds that are taken in by those resemblances, unwittingly serving the God of Greed.
(1) The villains. (2) Their victims; the sacrificial pawns unwittingly playing against themselves.
These two populations together perpetrate almost every crime against the whole of life.
These are the two largest chambers in the black heart of conservatism perpetually pumping its corrupting blood through the inter-circulating human systems of the world. And the human race will never progress towards its highest form without a heart transplant; without a removal of this corrupted heart, and without having the right heart ready to replace it; a heart which IOOP offers.
You cannot count yourself amongst progressives without contributing to some part of this transplant process. The absence of such a contribution is the same as lending implicit consent to the status quo, and to thereby be complicit in conservatism’s unacknowledged crimes against humanity.
NOTE: All documentation made available on this website is hereby declared to be a part of the public domain, and is thereby free to download, copy, disseminate and otherwise use. And while this includes PDF copies of most of my books, I kindly request that you buy at least one in support of my endeavors.
Some of my ideas may also be perused through vids posted to my YouTube Channel.